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Click here for Valentine's Day menu! Online ordering is open through February 15. NEW FOR 2025--- All online orders require at least 48 hours. Thursday orders must be placed by midnight Tuesday, Friday orders must be placed by midnight Wednesday and Saturday orders must be placed by midnight Thursday. If you miss the cutoff, we will have a great selection of product for sale in the bakery cases during our retail hours!

Classic Trays

These lovely trays have become one of our best selling items.  It is a tray with six dozen cookies on it including mini sugar cookies, thumbprints and chocolate chip.  We get many color requests and are happy to customize them for you or you may choose from one of the color selections already available on the site.  Many of these are from the colors you have requested and we thought others might be seeking also!  Who knows, maybe your custom tray will become a product on our website...

All trays except for the seasonal tray require 48 hours notice as we need time to be able to make the colors and give the cookies at least 12 hours to sit before we tray them.  If you choose the seasonal tray, it will include whatever colors we are doing at the time for the bakery case.

Click here to see preset trays or create your own today!

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